From Megan on 07/15/2011

I will always remember me dear Aunt as a beautiful, elegant, and kind lady. She always put others first, was sincere and treated everyone with the utmost respect. She was generous and funny, obsessed with order and tidiness and the most organized person I know. I will cherish memories of visiting her on Corley Drive in London, ON. Each weekend sleepover included baking together, playing with her dogs Bing and then Brindy, cuddling in bed, watching TV, and a shopping trip. During my first year at Western she offered me a quiet retreat to study and wonderful meals out. We’d sit for hours, long after our meals were eaten, and never seemed to run out of things to laugh and talk about. She taught me how to crochet and attempted to expand my knitting knowledge. She gave me the pattern I used to make each of my daughters special blankets, known to Paige, Taylor and Claire as their cherished “matmats”’. When Joanne moved down to Sarasota she continued to recognize special occasions and accomplishments with special little gifts mailed back north. They were always the correct size and style, thoughtful and unique. She had a gift for ‘gifting’ and was generous to so many. She was a classy lady who treated all with respect, quickly becoming friends with those she met in the service industry. I remember how special my first trip down to Sarasota was to see her decorating masterpiece, the remodeling of her home in Prestancia. I had followed the progress through her daily faxes to my Nana. Her home was stunning and inviting, with every item thoughtfully selected, spectacular murals and beautiful furniture. A favourite visit of mine was in 1997 when Andrew and I spent the week with Joanne and Brock. Andrew was thrilled to join Brock on the golf course. They proudly showed off Sarasota’s beaches, restaurants, sights and shops. My Aunt adored Andrew and she knew he was ‘the one’ for me. Another memorable trip was in March of 2010 when Paige and I came for a visit. She shared a special connection with my kids, but especially Paige. Paige (5 yrs old at the time) was in awe of her beautiful great “Aunt Gigi”, often trying to mimic her elegance and lady-like manner. Paige thoroughly enjoyed the shopping trip to St. Armand’s Circle, modeling each dress Gigi selected in pursuit of the perfect dress. In the end, Paige selected a special little purse, prompting Joanne and I to select ‘purse charms’ for our Pandora bracelets so that we could memorialize our trip. I don’t believe my aunt was very religious but she certainly was spiritual. She was at times clairvoyant, fascinated with the idea of reincarnation, and often experienced hard to explain connections to deceased loved ones. In talking to those who were close to her, it seems uncanny how many of us experienced something unexplained’ at the time of her passing. I will greatly miss Joanne, but knowing she is finally not in pain is a great comfort to me. The strength she had to endure over the past 6 years is remarkable. I’m thankful she left us the way she’d hoped, in her own home with family by her side. I love you Joanne, rest in peace. Megan Shaw